The Generalized Phillips-Twomey Method for NMR Relaxation Time Inverse
- 1. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
- 2. College of Science, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
- 3. Key Laboratory of Shale Gas Exploration, Ministry of Land and Resources, Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral, Chongqing, China
It is a crucial step to invert the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation time for NMR data processing and interpretation. And the inversion is Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. Due to its ill-posedness, numerical solutions to this type of equations are often found much less accurate and bear little resemblance to the true solution. In this paper, we prove the existence, uniqueness, stability and convergence of the generalized Phillips-Twomey regularization method for solving this type of equations in the following way.
Suppose we try to solve the operator equation Kf=g. Considering the existence of the solution, we call fq a quasi-solution if it satisfies ||Kfq-g||=inf{||Kf-g||:f ∈ W22(a,b)}. Since, the quasi-solutions are not unique, let FK be the set of all the quasi-solutions. And we call the least W22 norm one in FK the generalized Phillips-Twomey solution. Note that the W22 norm of a function f in the Soblev space is ||f||W2=||f||2+||f'||2+||f''||2. Thereby, the generalized Phillips-Twomey solution exists and is unique but is not stable.
Taking the inevitable errors into account, we can only obtain an approximation ge to g with ||ge-g||≤δ, where δ is a constant. Let fs be the generalized Phillips-Twomey solution, ε =inf{||Kf-ge||:f∈W22(a,b)} and Qδ={f∈W22(a,b):||Kf-ge||≤ε+2δ}. We obtain the following optimization problem:
inf{||f||W:f∈Qδ} (1)
The solution of Problem (1) is well-posed and near the real solution. However, it is basically impractical to solve Problem (1) due to the difficulties in determining the set Qδ during the computation. Fortunately, we can prove that the minimizer fδ of Problem (1) satisfies fδ=0 or ||Kfδ -ge||=ε+2δ. Hence, Problem (1) can be reformulated into the following:
inf ||f||W s.t. ||Kf-ge||= ε+2δ
By applying the Lagrangian multiplier method, we obtain:min{||Kf-ge||2+ α||f||W2:f∈ W22(a,b)} and solve it accordingly.
In this paper, a numerical simulation and a core analysis arising from NMR transverse relaxation time inversion are conducted to show the effectiveness of the generalized Phillips-Twomey method. Both show that the inversions are suit to the model and reality respectively. The statistics of the solutions to the NMR simulation are shown in Table 1.
Error in the effective porosity | Error in water saturation | Mean of the residual | Std of the residual | Maximum of the residual | |
SNR=30 | -0.6177 | -1.5149% | -0.0193 | 0.0935 | 0.2219 |
SNR=10 | -1.1935 | -3.7537% | -0.0373 | 0.1595 | 0.3824 |

Keywords. Generalized Phillips-Twomey method,Ill-posedness,NMR Relaxation Time Inverse,Numerical simulation,Core analysis
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