Low-Field and Online NMR for Detection of Fluid Molecular Structure
- China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Fluid molecular structure can be determined by low-field and online nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Overcome the disadvantages of traditional laboratory fluid analysis methods, such as low efficiency, the variability of physical parameter, easily contaminated samples, etc.
Studies have shown that τ c has direct correlation with molecular weight (Mw) [1]. In previous work we have developed viscosity prediction method of crude oils from NMR relaxations times [2]. With the relationship between NMR relaxation time and τc known, the relation between NMR relaxation and η can be obtained once the relation between τc and η is established. After the η of crude oils measured, Mw can be searched from American National Standard (ANSI/ASTM D2502-2004). The correlation of η, τc and Mw can be obtained by exponential fitting the experimental results.
The distance b between 1H on the same position of molecule varies with the specific molecular structure.

- [1] Kay. L. E, Torchia. D. A, Bax. A, (1989), Backbone dynamics of proteins as studied by nitrogen-15 inverse detected heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy: application to staphylococcal nuclease, Biochemistry, 8972-8979
- [2] Deng F, Xiao L Z, Chen W L, et al., (2014), Rapid Determination of Fluid Viscosity Using Low-Field Two-Dimensional NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 1-8