FID-SPI Technique for Quantitative MRI
- University of New Brunswick, MRI Centre, Fredericton, Canada
A new sequence for effective spin-spin relaxation time T2* mapping, named FID-SPI (Free Induction Decay Single Point Imaging), which provides accurate 1D, 2D or 3D fluid content distribution maps in porous media [1] is employed for quantitative analyses of various samples. The measurement generates a series of individual T2* weighted images acquired following RF excitation and pulsed phase-encoding gradients.
The measurement deadtime is limited by the duration of the phase encoding gradient pulses. Fast switched, high quality magnetic field gradient pulses, generated with a recently developed impulse response based gradient pre-equalization technique [2] are required for FID-SPI. The phase-encoding gradient amplitude may be reduced to 250 microseconds through this technique.
The FID-SPI pulse sequence is able to measure spatially resolved T2* and provides data for calculating fluid content images.

This new imaging technique permits faster and more accurate spin-density mapping by acquiring hundreds of points to fit. It will be faster for water content imaging and T2* mapping than an analogous SPRITE imaging technique [3], with comparable sensitivities for the same encoding time.
- [1] F. Marica, F. G. Goora and B. J. Balcom, (2014), FID-SPI Pulse Sequence for Quantitative MRI of Fluids in Porous Media, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 240, 61-66
- [2] F. G. Goora, B. G. Colpitts and B. J. Balcom, (2014), Arbitrary magnetic field gradient waveform correction using an impulse response based pre-equalization technique, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 238, 70-76
- [3] B. J. Balcom, R. P. MacGregor, S. D. Beyea, D. P. Green, R. L. Armstrong, T. W. Bremner, (1996), Single point ramped imaging with T1 enhancement (SPRITE), Journal of Magnetic Resonance A123, 131-134