International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed


The deadline for abstracts, where the presenter requests an oral presentation, is May 15th.


The deadline for abstracts, where the presenter requests a poster presentation, is June 1st.


Abstract Preparation Suggestions

We suggest using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your web browser for abstract submission as they come with integrated support for Adobe Flash. Alternatively verify that your web browser of choice has an updated Flash player.


All the text you put into the abstract counts against the available space. Once the printed page area is full, it's full and remaining text clips. There is a warning on the 'Preview' tab if your text is too big and clipping.


The word counts are only a very rough guide and the PDF Preview is the definitive authority. If you have a long title, copious authors and affiliations, and many references then the room left for the abstract text is reduced.


Graphics, are the exception because they are sized to use all the remaining available white space. In other words, they will be sized to be as big as possible. That's why the text should typically be finalized before inserting a graphic. If the abstract is completely full of text, the graphic may not appear at all or it may be virtually microscopic. If the abstract text is sparse, the graphic may appear too large, and so webHermes has an option to shrink the graphic to a more agreeable size. It is recommended that PNG or JPG formats are used when uploading image files.


It is very important to preview the abstract after graphics have been inserted. Adjust the abstract in order to optimize the final result.


Sir Paul Callaghan Young Investigator Award

Please note that if you intend to apply for the Sir Paul Callaghan Young Investigator Award you must submit an additional 2 page extended abstract. Please send the paper directly to Note this is in addition to a one page abstract to be submitted through the online system above.