International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

2017 Award Winners

Young Investigator Award Competition

   The 2017 Paul Callaghan Young Investigator award was won by Jeffrey Simkins (Montana State University) for his work on “Oxygen Profile Characterization in Biofilm Systems Using Fluorine-19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Oximetry”.


Poster Competition

   The Poster Competition was won by Sarah Vashaee (University of New Brunswick) for her poster “Local Diffusion and Diffusion-T2 Distribution Measurements in Porous Media”.


Image Beauty Competition

   The image beauty competition was jointly won by Krzysztof Klodowski (AGH University of Science & Technology) and Mick Mantle (University of Cambridge).



Young Investigator Award Competition

   Young investigators (age < 35 years, no permanent position) are encouraged to contribute papers. A jury will select up to five to present their work in a plenary session. The best presentation will receive the "Paul-Callaghan-Award" during the conference dinner. Please refer to the Abstract Submission page to submit a 2-page Abstract and a 1-page Abstract. If the submitted work is not accepted for a Young Investigator Award presentation it may still be accepted as a regular oral presentation (based on the 1-page Abstract).


Poster Competition

   The posters of young scientists will be judged by a jury. The best presenter/poster will be announced and receive an award at the conference dinner.


Image Beauty Competition

   As in previous years, we are having an Image Beauty Competition. Please bring along your entries, which can be submitted as printouts or electronically at the conference registration desk. Anything will be accepted: artistic, beautiful, artefact, perfect or ugly. Feel free to submit multiple entries. The winners will also be announced during the conference dinner and will receive a prize. More details and a list of previous winners can be found here.